Portugal emergency numbers

Accidents can happen anywhere and at any time. This can happen when you are visiting Portugal or at home. If you are involved in an accident or witness an accident, fire or robbery at the scene, do you know the emergency number to call ?

The emergency number 112
What is 112? The number 112 is the single European emergency number, available free of charge throughout the EU. You can call 112 at any time to contact emergency services; reachable via landline and cell phone - 112 Remember! The call is free.
When can you call 112? You can call 112 in any emergency that requires an ambulance, fire department or police. But: Do not call 112 for traffic information, weather forecasts, general information and inquiries, as unnecessary calls can overload the system and endanger the lives of those who truly need emergency help.
What happens if you call 112? An appropriately trained operator will answer your call. Depending on the type of emergency, the operator can process your request or forward it to a more appropriate emergency service, such as a doctor in the event of illness or an accident. During the call you will be asked for your address and telephone number. Identification of the users of the service is particularly necessary.
Pharmacy emergency service: 118
Emergency number for poisoning : 80 825 01 43

- 213 422 222 Lissabon
- 226 151 800 Porto
- 289 888 000 Faro
- 291 200 930 Funchal
- 296 301 301 Ponta Delgada
- 213 422 222 Hilferufe

Contacts of public & private hospitals in Portugal
- 289 891 100 Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Algarve
- 289 892 040 Hospital Privado Santa Maria de Faro
- 282 420 400 Hospital Particular do Algarve
- 282 770 100 Hospital de Lagos
- 282 450 300 Hospital de Portimão
- 244 817 000 Hospital de Santo André
- 213 943 100 Hospital da Luz Torres de Lisboa
- 213 926 100 Hospitais CUF
- 218 422 000 Hospital do SAMS
- 214 827 700 Hospital de Cascais
- 214 348 200 Hospital Amadora Sintra
- 213 126 600 Hospital Dona Estefânia
- 213 650 000 Hospital Egas Moniz
- 217 932 762 Hospital de Santa Maria
- 213 017 351 Hospital São Francisco Xavier
- 218 841 000 Hospital São José
- 213 216 500 Hospital São Luís
- 217 942 200 Hospital Curry Cabral
- 217 971 141 Hospital Júlio de Matos
- 213 184 000 Maternidade Alfredo da Costa
- 213 177 400 Hospital Miguel Bombarda
- 217 570 541 Hospital Pulido Valente
- 213 529 440 Hospital de Santa Marta
- 213 136 300 Hospital Santo António dos Capuchos
- 217 104 400 Hospital da Luz
- 217 704 040 Hospital dos Lusíadas
- 245 301 000 Hospital Doutor José Maria Grande
- 225 512 100 Hospital de São João
- 222 077 500 Hospital Santo António
- 222 062 500 Hospital Lusíadas Porto
Weitere Städte
- 296 203 000 - Hospital Divino Espírito Santo Ponta Delgada
- 295 403 200 - Hospital de Santo Espírito da Ilha Terceira Angra do Heroísmo
- 292 201 000 - Hospital da Horta Faial
- 234 378 300 - Centro Hospitalar do Baixo Vouga
Aveiro - 234 400 700 - Cliria - Hospital Privado de Aveiro
Coimbra - 239 400 400 - Hospital Universitário de Coimbra
- 266 740 100 - Hospital do Espírito Santo de Évora
- 266 760 630 - Hospital da Misericórdia de Évora
- 244 819 300 Centro Hospitalar de São Francisco
- 268 637 600 Hospital de Santa Luzia de Elvas
- 284 310 200 Unidade Local de Saúde do Baixo Alentejo Beja
- 253 209 000 Hospital de Braga Braga
- 273 310 800 Unidade Local de Saúde do Nordeste Bragança
- 272 000 180 Unidade Local de Saúde de Castelo Branco Castelo Branco
- 291 705 600 Centro Hospitalar do Funchal Funchal (Madeira)
- 271 200 200 Unidade Local de Saúde da Guarda Guarda
- 243 300 200 Hospital Distrital de Santarém Santarém
- 265 549 000 Centro Hospitalar de Setúbal Setúbal
- 258 802 100 Hospital de Santa Luzia Viana do Castelo
- 259 300 500 Centro Hospitalar de Vila Real Vila Real
- 232 420 500 Centro Hospitalar Tondela- Viseu
When you go to a hospital in Portugal, you should know whether it is public or private
In addition to the public healthcare system, there is additional healthcare in private hospitals and doctor's offices in Portugal. They are better organized and equipped than the public health system. The waiting times are shorter.
However, the costs for treatment in private facilities are many times higher. This is important for foreign patients who want to apply for reimbursement from their health insurance company at a later date.
You can find open pharmacies near you here
The police emergency number in Portugal
There are three different police bodies in Portugal :
- PSP (Polícia de Segurança Pública) - operates primarily in urban areas (city) - emergency telephone 112
- GNR (Guarda Nacional Republicana) - the national republican police that works in cities and also in rural areas - Commando Telephone: 213 217 000 SOS Emergency Tel: 112 / SOS Environment Tel: 808 200 520 / SOS Traffic Tel: 808 201 855
- PJ (Polícia Judiciária) - investigates primarily criminal offenses Tel: 213 575 566

Medical emergency in Portugal – what you need to know
The hospital emergency room of a public hospital or health center can only be used in serious situations. To have free access to health services, European Union citizens who are not resident in Portugal must present their passport or identity card and the European Health Insurance Card (see below).
IMPORTANT >>> The area covered by the European Health Insurance Card only includes benefits for immediately necessary medical care (e.g. broken leg, bad teeth, viral infections and similar emergencies) or for ongoing care for chronic illnesses such as diabetes.