Portugal Taxi
The current valid Taxi tariffs in Portugal

Summary of the taxi price list in Portugal
The ANTRAL (National Association of Light Vehicle Transport Companies) price list, valid from January 1, 2013, shows the tariffs for taxis with up to four passengers and is divided into tariff types:
CITY TARIFF (marked with the number 1)
- During the day (6 a.m. to 9 p.m.): Travel fee (for 260m) is €3.25, kilometer price is €0.47, hourly price is €14.80.
- At night (9 p.m. to 6 a.m.): travel fee (for 208m) is €3.90, kilometer price is €0.56, hourly price remains at €14.80.
TARIFA 3 (city/suburban tariff for mixed routes):
- Empty return trip: Same rate per kilometer, no travel fee.
- Return journey with customers: Same rate per kilometer, no travel fee.
The minimum charge for mixed route services is €3.25 during the day and €3.90 at night.
The price table for kilometer-based taxi services in Portugal is divided into tariffs 3 and 5 and applies to day and night times:
TARIFA 3 (empty return journey):
- During the day (6 a.m. to 9 p.m.):
- Travel fee: €3.25
- Price per kilometer: €0.94
- Price per hour: €14.80
- At night (9 p.m. to 6 a.m.):
- Travel fee: €3.90
- Price per kilometer: €1.13
- Price per hour: €14.80
TARIFA 5 (return trip with customer):
- During the day (6 a.m. to 9 p.m.):
- Travel fee: €3.25
- Price per kilometer: €0.47
- Price per hour: €14.80
- At night (9 p.m. to 6 a.m.):
- Travel fee: €3.90
- Price per kilometer: €0.56
- Price per hour: €14.80
Price fractions are €0.10, whereby the number of meters and the waiting time are calculated in relation to the kilometer price and the hourly price.
Surcharges: On Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays and daily between 9:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. the prices are increased by 20%. This increase is done automatically by the taximeter. If a motorway toll has to be paid, this will be paid by the customer. When ordering a radio taxi, a surcharge of €0.80 is charged. If you take luggage in the trunk, a surcharge of €1.60 will be charged.
Taxi online price simulator
Here is an online price simulator where you can determine the costs for your trip in advance
NB: The taxi price information on this website is not guaranteed.
How much does a taxi cost from Lisbon Airport to Old Town in 2022?
The journey from Lisbon airport to the old town costs around 15 euros.
How much does a taxi cost from Porto airport to city center in 2022?
The journey from Porto airport to the city center costs around 20 -25 euros.
Here are a few tips
TIP: Please note that all taxis in Lisbon are required to turn on the taximeter when starting a journey with a customer. If the driver claims that the meter is broken, don't trust him, it's a scam. Ask to get out of the car if he doesn't turn the device on.
TIP: The taxi takes a longer route so you pay more: the solution? For long journeys, find out the distance using Google Maps or even more precisely using the online price simulator.
TIP: Official and registered taxis have a number on the side of the vehicle and a license inside the taxi. Fake taxis usually recruit their customers by speaking directly to customers, for example at the airport.
Taxi Apps in Portugal
Using Uber Portugal and other apps in Portugal is quite easy and is increasingly an alternative to traditional taxis.
Download the app on your smartphone (Android or iOS); make a registration. You'll need to add a credit or debit card number (ride fees are automatically calculated after each ride and Uber doesn't accept prepaid cards ). After providing all information to Uber in Portugal, you will receive an email confirming your account registration. You can now use the application. U
To register a trip, simply enter the destination address and confirm your departure location. The app shows you the drivers in your area and how quickly a car will pick you up. Understand how it works and how much public transport costs in Portugal.

The TDVE symbol on the rear window of vehicles is the abbreviation for "Individual and paid passenger transport in unmarked vehicles using an electronic platform" which essentially means that it is a private transport company e.g. Uber.
To obtain a TVDE license, a driver must have held a license for more than three years and complete mandatory training of at least 50 hours. After completing the course, drivers must apply for a license from the Institute for Mobility and Transport (IMT). The TVDE vehicles must meet some special requirements; For example, they must have national approval, have a maximum capacity of nine seats and must not be older than seven years.