
Lisbon weather May

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What is the weather like in Lisbon in May?

Summer arrives in Lisbon in May!

The temperature in Lisbon in May has an average maximum temperature of around 22 - 24 °C. It's still a bit chilly at night now, as temperatures drop to 14 °C or a little below.

The sea temperature in Lisbon in May - The water temperature at this time of year is still only 16 °C

Rainy days in Lisbon in May : The climate is now becoming increasingly drier and the number of rainy days is decreasing to an average of 5 per month.

Sunny days in Lisbon in May : On average, you can expect around 14 hours of daylight. 70% of the days in May have clear skies with sunshine.

Sardine fishermen on the Costa da Caparica near Lisbon

7-day weather forecast for Lisbon

Bairro Alto in Lisbon

Average high and low temperature in May in Lisbon

Lisbon has a very pleasant average maximum temperature of around 22 °C during the day in May. At night the temperatures drop to around 14 °C 

Average high and low temperature in May in Lisbon - © WeatherSpark.com
Average high and low temperature in May in Lisbon - © WeatherSpark.com

Temperature averages - Year - © WeatherSpark.com
Temperature averages - Year - © WeatherSpark.com

Daily chance of precipitation in Lisbon in May

In May the weather is stable and very pleasant. There are only a few rainy days left.

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Water temperature in Lisbon in May

The water temperature of the Atlantic Ocean near Lisbon in May is around 16 C

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Tagus River in Lisbon